Why Boys Need Moms

There is an age-old saying “like father, like son” that I believe needs a contemporary spin…or outright revision.  How about “like mother, like son”?  After all, the bond between mother and son actually determines how sons view themselves and their relationships with women as they mature into a man.  It is a fact that women evaluate suitable mates by the bond he has

Fun with Mom!

with his mother (talk fondly about your mom on dates boys!).   This is not to say there is a decreased importance on a relationship between a mom and her daughter but there is a connection between a mother and son that cannot be replicated with any other relationship in a boy’s life.

A strong mother-son relationship starts with consistency, patience, and emotional closeness, – all important traits for babies in general: whether boys or girls.    The first smile that a baby sees, the first voice that he recognizes, is his mother’s and as he grows older, his mother and her relationships with men — whether it is her husband, boyfriend, brother, father and friends are the most compelling demonstrations of how a man should interact, with future relationships with women.

The spontaneity in boy’s rash decisions can send some mom’s blood pressure to reach fainting levels.  It is the balance of Mom and Dad that are crucial to a son’s future in becoming a well rounded man and respectable citizen (otherwise known as “a good catch” to girls).   Here are some more reasons, best described in photos of the importance of having Mom in a boy’s life:

what would Mom do?